Wednesday, September 21, 2011

im back....for now

So it's been a loooooooong time since my last post! i am now a mother of 2, massimo, 3yrs and marielle, 4mo. iv'e never been too good at keeping up with this whole blog thing. im going to give it another try for a few reasons. for starters, why the heck not?! maybe someone will find it mildly entertaining or informative. and well also, when i find something to get excited about i like to share my knowledge. i initially started this to rave about certain kid/parenting products that i was excited about....share my expeience and opinion. so my sister, a more consistant blogger and all around web-goer (??), has been encouraging me to get on and post about two things in particular (which i will do in seperate posts, later). so as i will try to post when i can find time and or have something i want to share. please bare with me and my often repetitive and rambling posts! hope you find something for you in it all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally understand!!! I was just thinking that I really want a BlogSchedule for myself - do get some of it done though I doubt it will happen, LOL!!! Welcome Back!!!